Urethra Stricture

A urethral stricture includes scarring that limits the space in the cylindrically shaped tube that helps get the pee out of your body. This tube is termed the urethra. A stricture confines the progression of pee from the bladder and can cause an assortment of clinical issues in the urinary tract, including irritation or contamination. Men are bound to encounter urethral stricture than ladies are, as men have longer urethras. Urethral injuries are not regular in ladies and newborn children.

Reasons for Urethra Stricture

Urethral stricture happens with the growth of scar tissue or tissue aggravation that limits the urethra. It can occur in the bladder or the tip of the penis, or anywhere in the urethra. Operations include embedding an endoscope into the urethra or utilizing a catheter or a cylindrical tube to empty urine. Stricture due to an accident close to the scrotum can develop scar tissue. Likewise, scar tissue may shape from other ailments like a developed prostate, prostate organ expulsion surgery, urethral malignancy, prostate disease, or sexually transmitted infections.

Maintain a calculated distance from the stricture to the urethra and pelvis to forestall the urethral stricture. If you contract a sexually transmitted disease like Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia, take an anti-microbial right on time to treat the contamination and forestall urethral stricture. Though urethral injuries are not infectious, sexually transmitted diseases are. Treating a sexually transmitted disease can assist you with forestalling urethral stricture and forestalling them in future sexual partners.

Other potential reasons for urethral stricture include:

  • 1Pelvic cracks
  • 2Catheter addition
  • 3Radiation
  • 4A medical procedure like surgery that gets performed on the prostate
  • 5Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Uncommon causes include:

  • 1A tumor situated near to the urethra
  • 2Untreated urinary diseases
  • 3The sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) gonorrhoea or chlamydia

Indications of Urethra Stricture

  • 1Decreased pee stream
  • 2Incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • 3Spraying of the pee stream
  • 4Difficulty, stress or torment while urinating
  • 5Increased desire to pee or more-continuous pee
  • 6Urinary tract infections

When to see a Specialist

Typical manifestations of Urethra Stricture include:

  • Weak pee stream or decrease in the volume of pee

  • A sudden or successive inclination to pee

  • A sensation of fragmented bladder discharging after pee

  • Pain or burn sensation during pee

  • Inability to control pee (incontinence)

  • Pain in the pelvic or lower stomach zone

  • Penile growth and torment

  • Presence of blood in the semen or pee

  • Darkening of the pee

  • Inability to pee (this is intense and requires quick clinical consideration)

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Analysis of Urethra Stricture

To find out, your primary care physician will get some information about your manifestations and your clinical history and direct an actual test. Your primary care physician may prescribe various tests to decide the reason, area and length of the urethral stricture, including:

  • Urinalysis

    Searches for indications of contamination or blood in your urine

  • Urinary stream test

    Measures the strength and amount of urine stream

  • Urethral ultrasound

    Assesses the length of the stricture

  • Pelvic Ultrasound

    Searches for the presence of urine in your bladder after urine

  • Retrograde Urethrogram

    Utilises X-ray pictures to check for an underlying issue or stricture of the urethra, like the length and area of the stricture along the urethra.

  • Uroflowmetry

    Measures the progression of urine. It tracks how quick urine streams, what amount of time it takes to stream out, and how long it requires for the process. It's a demonstrative test to survey how well the urinary tract works. Your primary care physician may recommend uroflowmetry if you experience difficulty urinating or have a low stream.

  • Micturating Cysto-Urethrogram (or MCU)

    A Micturating Cysto-Urethrogram (or MCU) is an examination utilising X-rays and colour test to show the bladder and urethra while passing urine. The test is performed to see whether the urine goes from the bladder back up to the kidneys rather than out through the urethra.


No medication can treat urethral stricture. So, consequently, the treatment is a medical procedure.

  • Widening

    Your PCP embeds a little wire through the urethra and into the bladder. Continuously, bigger dilators ignore the wire to step by step build the size of the urethral opening. This outpatient method might be a possibility for repetitive urethral injuries.

  • Urethroplasty

    This includes carefully eliminating the limited part of your urethra or amplifying it. The method may likewise include a recreation of the encompassing tissues. Normally, buccal mucosa is utilised for reproduction. The repeat of urethral stricture after urethroplasty is low.

  • Endoscopic urethrotomy

    For this technique, your PCP embeds a slim optical gadget (cystoscope) into your urethra. He, at that point, embeds instruments through the cystoscope to eliminate the stricture or disintegrate it with a laser. This surgery offers a quicker healing, negligible scarring and less danger of contamination, even though repeating is exceptionally conceivable.

  • Embedded stent or perpetual catheter

    If you have a severe stricture and decide not to have a medical procedure, you may choose a perpetual fake cylinder (stent) to keep the urethra open or a lasting catheter to shrink the bladder. Notwithstanding, these methodologies have a few drawbacks, including a danger of bladder aggravation, inconvenience and urinary tract contaminations. They additionally require close observing. Urethral stents are regularly a proportion after all other options have run out and are once in a while utilised.

FAQs about Urethra Stricture

  • How can you say whether you have a urethral stricture or not?

    Signs and manifestations of urethral stricture include:

    • Decreased pee stream
    • Deficient bladder discharging
    • Splashing of the pee stream
  • How basic is urethral stricture?

    Urethral stricture is a moderately normal infection in men with a related predominance of 229-627 for each 100,000 guys. 0.6% of the populace are in danger and they are commonly more seasoned men.

  • Is urethral stricture a serious issue?

    Whenever left untreated, a urethral stricture can cause significant issues, including bladder and kidney harm, contaminations brought about by the hindrance of pee stream, and discharge along with infertility issues in men. Luckily, injuries can be effectively treated.

  • Do urethral injuries deteriorate over the long run?

    For each extra 1 cm of stricture, the danger of repetition has been appeared to increment by 1.22 (95% CI 1.05–1.43). Repeat rates additionally fluctuate as indicated by stricture area.

    • 58% of bulbar injuries will repeat after urethrotomy
    • 84% for penile injuries
    • 89% for membranous injuries
  • What causes female urethral stricture?

    There are a few reasons for urethral injuries: Trauma to the urethra. This can either be outside stricture for the most part from hitting the urethra hard against the pubic bone, or by inner stricture generally after a urological system or catheterisation. Another cause can be the provocative illness.

  • Does urethral stricture cause torment?

    Symptoms associated with that of urethral stricture can go from no side effects by any stretch of the imagination (asymptomatic) to gentle inconvenience, to powerlessness to urinate. A portion of the potential manifestations and complexities of urethral stricture incorporate the accompanying:

    • Difficulty in starting the urine stream
    • Painful urine (dysuria)
  • What is the Urethrotomy methodology?

    The urethrotomy is an activity that includes cut of the urethra, particularly to help a stricture.

  • What would it be advisable for you to eat when you have a stricture?

    Everything can be eaten but, it is better to eat more vegetables.

  • Would you be able to live with a urethral stricture?

    Whenever left untreated, a urethral stricture can cause major issues, including bladder and kidney harm, diseases brought about by the pee stream's impediment, and discharge and fertility issues in men. Luckily, injuries can be effectively treated.

  • How could urethral stricture be forestalled?

    Keep away from stricture to the urethra and pelvis. Keep away from sexually transmitted diseases. Gonorrhoea was at one time the most widely recognised reason for injuries.